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KVV Anschluss-Studikarte (KVV student card)

The KVV student card is a personal (non-transferable) card for students at universities, with which Deutsche Bahn has an agreement.


The ticket is valid for 6 months after the month in which it was purchased. The student card is only valid in connection with a valid student identity card from a university within the KVV-area. For first semester students it is valid with a proof of matriculation certificate in a university within the KVV-area in combination with a personal ID card.


The ticket is valid on the entire KVV public transport network, including busses, trams and trains (DB: RE, RB and suburban trains in 2nd class) as well as all call taxi lines.


Online student cards are exempt from reimbursement, exchange or return.

* Mandatory Fields


The ticket is only valid in conjunction with an official identity document with a photograph, e.g. ID card, passport, of the ticket owner.

Price: €307.50